Featured Science and Religion Theology

Tim Keller's White Paper on Faith and Science

Tim Keller’s White Paper from the Biologos conference is now available.  Keller’s position is very close to my own.  I share his theological concerns, and though I might quibble here and there with a few things, this is an approach I can heartily endorse.  Most significantly, here is a leading evangelical pastor approaching this question with a pastor’s heart.  Great stuff!


Changes at TG Darkly

I’m working on some changes to this site, as you might notice, faithful reader!  I’m hoping to develop more of a “magazine” format, with more consistent and persistent features, including interviews, cultural items, theology essays, and “Through the Looking Glass,” a roundup of things found in the blogosphere.  Check back during the next week or so as I fine-tune these elements and move towards (I hope) using this venue as a more disciplined writing outlet.

Featured Law and Policy

Law at the Jesus Creed

Here is my next guest post on law at Jesus Creed.