
God is Not a Republican

Sojourners has an excellent petition concerning the over-emphasis in many conservative Christian circles on Republican policies. It’s worth a look.

5 replies on “God is Not a Republican”

The Sojourners message seems to equate “peacemaker” with an anti-war position. I have to reject it since it does not give adequate attention to the Biblical fact that the only way people can have peace is through the blood of Christ.

The party (and platform of ideas) that wins today is in God’s hand. Either way, winning should not be perceived as being on God’s “side”. God may be turning the nation over to its own depravity as judgement.

Okay, God is not a Republican, anymore than He is a baseball player. And Both the Republican Party and the Democratric Party are far from perfect. However, there are certain issues that are far more important than others, and certain directions that would be far more devastating than others for our country to take. Between the two parties (and I sincerely wish that we weren’t locked into this de facto two-party system so that there would be more meaningful choices come election time), there is one that is obviously a better choice Morally for a true Christian, when one evaluates the moral importance of the issues and where they lead our country.

Referring to the web page with the petition: Yes, the Bible is clear that peace is better than war, but it is also clear that war is often (on the grand scale of things) necessary. Yes, the Bible is clear that the poor need to be taken care of, but it is also clear that taking care of the poor should be the choice of individuals, not forced on them by others (by forcibly taking from them). Oh, and let’s not forget that the Bible is clear that people should work and be responsible for themselves and their actions as much as is possible. And yes, the Bible says that we need to respect others, but the Bible is also clear that we (not as individuals, but as nations) need to defend ourselves, need to condemn sin and promote morality, and need to honor and trust God.

However, I don’t see any way the Bible could be used to support killing one’s own unborn babies! Nowhere in the Bible is there any give on homosexuality. And to use think that God would be against capital punishment?!

And to lock it down, if all things morally are equal, sure, pick the ones that you think will do the best economically for you (although I think that people should vote for what will do the best for the Nation, not just for themselves). But given the choice between voting for what you think will benefit you the most, or moral issues, the God’s Word is clear: “Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Prov 14:34). God will take care of the people who seek after Him and try to act morally, not the people who act always by “what’s in it for me?” (Btw, this is what Pat Robertson was talking about when talking about George W. Bush; he was not saying anything about, “divine appointment for the President,” or giving “uncritical affirmation of his policies.”)

Yes, I agree that God is not a Republican, and I agree that “all candidates should be examined by measuring their policies against the complete range of Christian ethics and values.” But based on an evaluation of all policies (or most, anyway…I’m don’t think I can claim to have not missed anything) of both parties, at this point in time the balance falls quite strongly towards the Republican Party as being the party that a Christian should support.

A couple of other thoughts:

1)I think that a political party could possibly become “God’s Party” by Christians making it so. If all (or most) Christians joined a party and worked actively to shape it, it would come to greatly reflect God’s values and priorities. I was involved in the political process on all levels in the recent election, everything from the precinct Republican Caucus to the Iowa State Republican Convention. I saw the party platform influenced by what people thought and wanted, and I saw how a large number of Christians helped shape what happened. The more Christians could be concentrated–and united–in a party, the more I think they could change things.

2)Between the two presidential candidates in the election, it was pretty obvious which one had a relationship with God, not just a religion.

3)The Democratic Party caters to several special interest groups that are not just unchristian in their views and activities, but are quite hostile to Christianity. If the political instrument of these groups were to hold power in this country, we would have their religion(s) and ungodliness pushed on us even more than it is now.

Thanks for the comments, Paul! One question I have, though: how do you decide which issues are “far more important than others?” I agree that abortion and the definition of marriage are vitally important issues. But what makes them “far more important” than issues relating to poverty and war? My reading of the Old Testament in particular suggests to me that God takes economic injustice very seriously — so much so that mistreatment of the poor is one of His principal indictments of Israel in the prophetic literature. I don’t want to diminish the social issues conservative Evangelicals tend to be involved in, but I do wish we’d take a more holistic view of our political involvement.

Would God vote Republican?

Let’s face it. Karl Rove is a genius. Most Americans oppose the direction our country is headed, but still voted for Bush. How did he get the extra 70,000 votes in Ohio that turned the election?

Abortion and gay marriage.

Why do Americans oppose abortion, but ignore other reasons why God might not vote Republican?

Here are some questions we should be asking in church:

God opposes abortion and civil unions?

but okays the death penalty?
supports assault gun purchases?
okays dumping more toxins into the environment?
okays killing 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians?
okays billions in tax cuts for the rich?
opposes health care coverage for the poor?
opposes funding for AIDS prevention programs?
opposes access to lower cost drugs for seniors?
supports killing mentally retarded people?
supports diverting social security to pay for war?
supports spending five times on war over education?
supports big tobacco over public health risks?

A message from Karl Rove to voters: You’ve been PUNKED! We don’t give a damn about you or your God. We diverted millions of your tax dollars to big business, forcing massive debt onto your children, and you still voted for us!

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