
Tonight's Globe Trekker

In tonight’s Globe Trekker, Zay Harding travels through Western Canada. Although Globe Trekker is usually the best show on TV, this one didn’t cut it. Harding is kind of boring — he lacks Ian Wright’s Brit snarkiness, Justine Shapiro’s sweet-but-superior affect, Shilpa Metha’s exotic sexiness, or Megan McCormick’s sense of girl-next-door fun. And, the location wasn’t culturally intersting. White water rafting might be fun to try, but it’s dull to watch. But the biggest turn-off was the frontier bar that maintains a tradition of serving a mummified human big toe floating in a scotch. You drink the scotch and let the toe touch your lips, whereupon the toe is returned to a cedar chest containing a selection of toes the bar has collected. Western Canadian culture at its best! Yuk!

3 replies on “Tonight's Globe Trekker”

I just saw this show and loved the guitar and violin music soundtrack — do you know where I can pick this up? Very moody. Cheers

Contrary to the comment above, I found Zay refreshing. He was comical and enjoyable to watch. Far better than the dry camera mugging of Ian Wright. Although I am not sure I need to travel Western Cananda after seeing this show, I am intersted in buying the DVD – it was a well produced and entertaining ride.

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