
Pancake Song

My daughter had a sleep-over last night and I cooked the girls pancakes this morning. In a flash of inspiration, this song came to me. This is to the tune of “Deep and Wide,” which you will know if you’ve ever attended Sunday School, Children’s Church or Vacation Bible School:

Flat and round, flat and round, there’s a pancake cooking flat and round;
Flat and round, flat and round, there’s a pancake cooking flat and round.

Upon hearing this, my seven-year-old son promptly made up his own song to the tune of “Deep and Wide”:

My dad is dumb, my dad is dumb, my dad is very, very dumb;
My dad is dumb, my dad is dumb, my dad is very, very dumb

I hereby grant a Creative Commons license to anyone who wishes to use these songs. 🙂

5 replies on “Pancake Song”

Re: “7 going on 25.” I bet he asks great metaphysical questions at bed time. I know the type — I am related to about four of them 😉

Re: “I ordered the Titus book” Xlant!

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