Books and Film

Star Wars III — Revenge of the Sith

Consistent with my “I’m-a-parent-and-I-don’t-get-out-much” stage of life, I just recently saw Star Wars III, Revenge of the Sith for the first time. Here are a few thoughts and some questions about the movie. (Warning: if you haven’t seen the film yet, the following discussion contains spoilers.)


Who Was Titus?

Jeff at Dawn Treader and I are starting a series on Titus. Titus is one of the Apostle Paul’s “pastoral letters” and is part of the New Testament.

Paul’s pastoral letters were written to leaders of the early church. They include 1 and 2 Timothy as well as Titus. Timothy is probably the more well-known of the recipients of Paul’s letters. So who was Titus?

Law and Policy

Exclusionary Permits — What to Do?

Here is a good rubber-meets-the-road issue for faith-and-policy wonks like myself. I learned recently that the sleepy little town in which I live is considering an ordinance that would require a regular inspection of every residence in town by the Building Inspector. Currently, inspections are only made after the completion of new construction under a building permit. The ostensible reason for the new ordinance is that there has been a flurry of off-permit do-it-yourself home improvement lately that has slipped through the inspection net. The real reason may be less sanguine.

Science & Technology

Resource on Faith-Science Issues

For those who are interested in faith-science issues, I’d like to promote two great resources I’ve come across. The first is the website of the American Scientific Affiliation. The ASA offers some diverse and welcome perspectives on how to integrate Christian faith and science. There has been interesting chatter on their listserv about intelligent design, including some useful critques and defenses of ID by scientists operating from a faith-based perspective. Their journal Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith also is detailed and interesting.

The second resource is The New Atlantis, a journal about faith perspectives on technology and society. It’s another thick, thoughtful read for technophiles interested in how Judeo-Christian theology and ethics intersect with biotechnology, computers, the internet, and other emerging technologies in our culture. (Hat tip to Dawn Treader for the link to this journal from his site.)