
The Lost Tomb and the Discovery Channel's Gnostic Market

Interesting side note on the Lost Tomb special: I got the current Biblical Archeology Review in the mail today, which of course went to press after all this and doesn’t cover the Lost Tomb question. There is, however, a thick two-page cardboard stock ad for the Discovery Channel Book Club. For $5.99 plus shipping and handling, one can receive the “Beyond the Bible” collection — consisting of five Bart Ehrman books, including “Lost Christianities,” “Lost Scriptures,” “Misquoting Jesus,” “Peter, Paul & Mary Magdalene,” and “The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot.” Ehrman is a leading proponent of the view that there was no center of orthodoxy in the early church, and that the Gnostic sects in particular were genuine heirs of the early Christian tradition before they were stomped out by the patriarchy. A key notion in the Lost Tomb special is that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a child. One can’t help but notice that Discovery Channel is riding the DaVinci zeitgeist for all it’s worth.

Note — if you’ve never seen Biblical Archeology Review, it’s a fascinating magazine. It is not about proving the Bible through archeology, as the title might seem to imply. In fact, many of the articles are written by “minimalists” who reject Biblical history altogether. Because there is sometimes a minimalist slant, you have to read the articles critically, but it is an excellent source for the state of academic archeology in the Holy Lands.


Bloesch on Scripture: Propositional or (and) Not?

Recently I’ve been thinking about my understanding and views of the doctrine of scripture. Coincidentally — or maybe providentially — not long ago I found a copy of Donald Bloesch’s wonderful book Holy Scripture among some things in my attic. I’m very glad I dusted it off and began reading through it carefully. Bloesch captures many aspects of where I presently am in my journey concerning the nature of revelation and scripture and the relation of these concepts to theories of language and truth.

Let me start what I hope will be a series of posts with some of Bloesch’s thoughts about revelation. Bloesch offers a nice balance between a merely existential understanding of revelation and a rationalistic understanding. He puts it this way:

As I see it, revelation is God’s self-communication through his selected instrumentality, especially the inspired witness of his prophets and apostles. This act of self-communication entails not only the unveiling of his gracious and at the same time awesome presence but also the imparting of the knowledge of his will and purpose for mankind. This knowledge is conceptual as well as existential and can be formulated but never mastered in propositions.

Bloesch thus avoids the unfortunate over-emphasis on propositional revelation in some rationalistic streams of evangelicalism, but without discounting altogether the propositional form revelation sometimes takes. He notes that

I agree with Bernard Ramm that the phrase propositional revelation is ambiguous, because revelation comes to us in a myriad of literary forms. Yet I subscribe to the intent of this phrase — that revelation is intelligible and conceptual. It is more felicitous to say with Thomas F. Torrance that revelation is “dialogical,” for this term combines the personal and the propositional . . . . God’s revelation is his commandment and his promise, and these come to us in the form of written commandments and written testimonies. Yet they cannot be confined to what is objectively written, since their meaning-content includes their significance for those who hear God’s Word in every new situation.

This understanding of revelation as “dialogical” ties into the very human element involved in how the church appropriates the absolute truth of the revelation. Bloesch affirms that “we must not surrender the claim of the Christian faith that in the Bible we are presented with real truth, with truth that is absolute and unconditional because it is God’s truth.” And yet, he is clear that our apprehension of that truth is limited:

Against evangelical rationalism, however, I maintain that we mortals can know this truth only conditionally and relatively. Theology is not the ‘crystallization of divine truth into systematic form,’ but a very human witness to divine truth, a witness that remains tentative and open-ended because historical understanding is not transcendent knowledge, faith is not sight. The truth in the Bible is revealed because it has a divine source, but it is at the same time partial and broken becuase it has a historical matrix. It throws light on the human situation, but light that is adequate only for our salvation and the living of a righteous life, not for comprehensive understanding. As biblical Christians we are neither gnostics (fully enlightened) nor agnostics but pilgrims who nevertheless have a compass (the Word of God) that can guide us to our destination.

I love that last paragraph so much that it now has three exclamation points and a triple-underlined “yes” penciled next to it.

Coming soon: Bloesch’s very interesting, nuanced epistemology.


The Lost Tomb of Jesus

The Discovery Channel is set to air a special produced by James Cameron (of “Titanic” fame) about the supposed “family tomb” of Jesus.

This “discovery” of the tomb and ossuaries is actually about ten years old. The “new” evidence seems to be a DNA analysis, which proves only that the remains in the “Jesus” and “Mary” ossuaries were not related. Unfortunately, the Discovery Channel’s publicity gives the impression that the tomb and ossuaries are newly discovered — they are not — and that the DNA evidence proves Jesus Christ’s body was in the tomb — an obvious impossibility, as there are no remains of Jesus with which to run a DNA comparison.

Darrell Bock offers a good critique of the film on his blog. This, in particular, seems quite strong:

Third, we have to accept that as they scrambled to steal the body and yet preach an empty tomb and resurrection when they actually knew that Jesus was not raised. They had to SECRETLY buy the tomb space from someone, prepare an ossuary over a year’s period and then choose to adorn the ossuary of Jesus with graffiti-like script to name their dead hero. Surely if they had a year to prepare honoring Jesus, they would have adorned his ossuary with more than a mere graffiti like description. Not to mention that some of the family died for this belief, when they really knew Jesus had not left the tomb empty. This scenario seems quite implausible.

It would seem quite absurd for the first Christians to perpetuate, on pain of persecution and death, a false resurrection story, while at the same time housing Jesus’ body in a family tomb in an ossuary with his name emblazoned on it — and stranger still to leave the ossuary in situ with all the other family ossuaries where it easily could have been discovered by anyone.

Note also in Bock’s comments that several of the key experts associated with the film reject the hypothesis that this is really Jesus’ burial place:

Seventh, if one pays close attention to the special one will see that when the subject of the connection is raised with the most well known of these experts, they all say the connection is NOT credible because the names are so common. These experts have known about this locale for decades. NONE of the most well known experts are actually cited as embracing the claim of the special. Surely they asked them this question about a specific connection, did they not? In other words, the silence on such a lack of endorsements for the figures brought in to corroborate certain details is deafening.

Bock makes a number of other compelling arguments concerning the presence of the name “Matthew” on one of the ossuaries and concerning the name Mariamne.

Another good review of the film can be found on Ben Witherington’s blog. There is also an AP story in which a number of archeologists, including the person who first examined the site, criticize the film.

Justice Law and Policy

Global Warming, Kyoto, and the EU Experience

I’m not a global warming skeptic. That is, I accept the general scientific consensus that there has been anthropogenic global warming over the past century.

I am, however, a skeptic of alarmist projections about the dangers of global warming. The consensus views reflected in the reports produced by the International Panel on Climate Change present a range of scenarios ranging from moderate to severe. No one is anywhere near certain that the “severe” scenarios will obtain. In particular, no one knows what sorts of technologies will develop over the next one hundred or so years to mitigate any negative effects of warming. Nevertheless, because we are supposed to be good stewards of the creation and because the negative effects of global warming are unpredictable, I believe it’s wise to take reasonable measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas pollutants.

Even more than my skepticism about alarmist predictions, however, I am skeptical of efforts like the Kyoto treaty to create an international greenhouse gas regulatory regime. The European Union’s effort to implement Kyoto, I think, is informative.

The biggest problem with the EU system is that the supply side is decentralized, which allows individual member states and their constituent industries to game the system. In the EU system, a central authority designates the industrial sectors that will be subject to the trading scheme, but each member state is free to allocate allowances from a national allowance budget to affected industries within their borders. As a result (a) supply doesn’t respond efficiently to demand; and (b) strong local industries can capture the national allocation process. (For a good summary of the EU experience, see this report.

This centralized demand / decentralized supply aspect of the EU system makes it very different than most of the cap and trade programs tried in the U.S. The U.S. experiments have been ones in which the same central authority identifies target industries and allocates the tradeable credits, establishing a more unified and efficient market. My understanding is that, while some of the U.S. experiments have succeeded in reducing target emissions, Phase I of the EU program under Kyoto has seen no net reductions in CO2 emissions.

A full-on implementation of Kyoto would make the EU decentralization problem look like child’s play — unless there were a central authority of sufficient strength to regulate both demand and supply of credits. I think the prospect of ceding national sovereignty to such a central authority is the heart of the issue concerning Kyoto or a Kyoto-like regime. Anyone who wants to propose a global cap and trade program must answer this question of sovereignty. I think it’s awfully difficult to argue that the precautionary principle as applied to the current science on global warming justifies devolving sovereignty to an unelected international body comprised of countries like China, Russia, and France.


Quote of the Day — Power and Weakness

“We usually want to achieve power and overcome by power; God summons us to overcome by weakness.”

— Craig S. Keener, in the NIV Application Commentary to Revelation, commenting on Rev. 7:1-8.

Epistemology Science & Technology Theology

Intelligent Design and Positivism

I participate in an email list concerning intelligent design, on which there’s been an interesting discussion about whether ID presupposes a positivist epistemology. I think that it often does.

By “positivism” I mean a philosophical / epistemological position according to which knowledge is authentic only if it is measurable and empirically verifiable — i.e., only if it is derived from the scientific method. See a Wiki here. It seems to me that ID often accepts this assumption by proposing, at least implicitly, that the doctrine of creation is in some sense measurable and emprically verifiable. The presense of specified complex information, for example, is supposed to be a filter through which we can empirically verify the activity of a creator. If not for some concession to positivism, however, why would we even need such an empirical filter?

The Bible says “the heavens declare the glory of God” (Ps. 19), which I take to mean that all of creation reflects God’s glory. God is revealed in all of creation, apart from any specific scientific test we might propose for deducing his activity in some aspect of creation. Indeed, the pursuit of such a particular scientific test is misguided. The test is simply everything that exists.

I think this is different than the question of evidential apologetics. I would disagree with many opponents of ID who suggest that the creation we observe is as compatible with atheism as it is with theism. I think this stance is correct only if we’re back to presupposing a postivitist epistemology. If we presuppose positivism, then I think its correct that the existence of God can’t be “proven” one way or the other. But if the sense of wonder, longing and awe we feel when we reflect on the creation around us is more than some kind of reductionist biological / evolutionary impulse — if, as C.S. Lewis might put it, our experience of the numinous points to a reality outside our ordinary perception — then the positivistic atheist is merely dulling his senses when he denies the creator. As Romans 1 puts it, “their thinking [becomes] futile and their foolish hearts [are] darkened” concerning the knowledge of God.

Therefore, to a mind not entirely bound by a presupposition against the knowledge of God, the “ordinary” processes of creation seem reducible to physical laws and chance. It is only as grace begins to melt that futility and darkness that the evidences we can provide in support of the faith start to make sense. (Unlike very strict Calvinist presuppositionalists, I believe common grace plays an important role here and that glimpses of the numinous aren’t limited to the elect.) But it seems to me that the sorts of evidences we can provide are not taken from the positivist’s toolbox in the form of particular mathematical filters and proofs. They are rather the witness of all of creation, seen through the spectacles of faith. (For a good essay exploring some of these themes, see Michael Hanby, Reclaiming Creation in a Darwinian World, Theology Today 62(2006): 476-83).

Academic Spirituality

A Scholar's Prayer

Creator of all things, true source of light and wisdom,
origin of all being,
graciously let a ray of your light penetrate
the darkness of my understanding.
Take from me the double darkness
in which I have been born,
an obscurity of sin and ignorance.
Give me a keen understanding,
a retentive memory, and
the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally.
Grant me the talent of being exact
in my explanations and the ability to express myself
with thoroughness and charm.
Point out the beginning,
direct the progress,
and help in the completion.
I ask this through Christ our Lord.

— Thomas Aquinas

Photo Blog Photography and Music

My Street as Stonehenge


Originally uploaded by dopderbeck1.

This is a picture taken this morning of the sunrise falling between two trees and perfectly aligned with my street. I wonder if the farmer who laid out this street years ago though this day had some astronomical significance? Hmmm…..

Epistemology Science & Technology

Polanyi on Positivism and the Freedom of Science

Here is Polanyi in his essay “The Nature of Scientific Convictions” on why positivism should not provide the basis for the autonomy of science:

the freedom of science cannot be defended today on the basis of a positivist conception of science, which involves a positivist program for the ordering of society. Totalitarianism is a much truer embodiment of such a program than is the free society; as, indeed, consistent positivism must destroy the free society. A complete causal interpretation of man and human affairs disintegrates all rational grounds for men’s convictions and actions. It leaves you with a picture of human affairs construed in terms of appetites checked only by fear. All you have to explain then in order to understand history, and with it politics, law, science, music, etc., is why at certain moments the appetite of one group gets the upper hand over its rivals. (Reprinted in Scientific Thought and Social Reality, at p. 64.)

Epistemology Science & Technology

Polanyi on Scientific Materialism

I’ve finally made some time to read Michael Polanyi in more detail. Here is Polanyi on scientific materialism, from the essay “Science and the Modern Crisis” in Scientific Thought and Social Reality (he is speaking here particularly about Marxism):

When our intellect convinces us, backed by the authority of science, that our morality is pointless, and teaches us that we can achieve everything to which morality aspires merely by letting loose our animal forces – then our morality is converted into scientific bestiality. That is the picture of the modern fanatic, the modern party man; aloof, and supremely confident of possessing a superior knowledge of reality; cruel and unscrupulous; merciless torture and death.