Justice Law and Policy

Family Research Council Beats the War Drum

I get a daily mass email from the Family Research Council. Honestly, most of the time it ticks me off. Today’s missive was particularly infuriating. Under the headline “The War Over War Rages On,” the message states,

In the four years since coalition troops first invaded Iraq, it has become painfully obvious that some Americans have short memories and even shorter attention spans. While our brave men and women risk their very lives for freedom, some at home have grown weary of the fight.

First, what does this have to do with family issues?

More importantly — well, no, we don’t have “short memories and even shorter attention spans.” We’ve been paying close attention, and we remember all to well that our troops were committed to an unwinnable war, with great cost to American and Iraqi lives, at untold financial cost, on false pretenses, and without any coherent plan for victory and no realistic hope of resolution.

All Christians should be disgusted that this organization, which purports to represent our interests in Washington on family issues, has instead become the mouthpiece of neoconservative warmongers. In my view, this is just another evidence that FRC speaks only for a radical fringe and not for mainstream evangelical Christians who care deeply about peace and justice.