Humor Theology

Migliore on the Entailments of Faith

This is from Daniel Migliore, Faith Seeking Understanding:  An Introduction to Christian Theology.  I think Migliore’s discussion of what Christian “faith” entails is a highlight of this wonderful systematic theology.

Christian freedom is the beginning of a new freedom from the bondage of sin and for partnership with God and others.  This fresh start has its basis in the forgiving grace of God present in the new humanity of Jesus with whom we are united by the power of the Holy Spirit.  He is the perfect realization of being human in undistorted relationship with God.  He is also the human being for others, living in utmost solidarity with all people, and especially with sinners, strangers, the poor, the disadvantaged, and the oppressed.  He is, further, the great pioneer (Heb. 12:2) of a new humanity that lives in radical openness to God’s promised reign of justice, freedom and peace.  In his total trust in God, Jesus acts as our great priest, mediating God’s grace and forgiveness to us; in his startling solidarity with all people, and especially with the poor and outcast, Jesus acts as our king, bringing us into the new realm of justice and companionship with the ‘others’ from whom we have long been alienated; and in his bold proclamation and enactment of God’s in-breaking reign, Jesus is the prophet who leads the way toward the future of perfect freedom in communion with God and our fellow creatures for which all creation yearns.  To be Christian is to participate by faith, love and hope in the new humanity present in Jesus.