Podcasting Science and Religion

TGD Podcast #6: Method in Theology and Science

Here is TGD Podcast #6.  In this edition, I discuss perspectives on method in theology and science.  You can listen to the podcast or download the file using the controls below.

One reply on “TGD Podcast #6: Method in Theology and Science”

As I listened to your podcast I realized how long it has been since I was involved in academia: forty years! I had to concentrate for a moment to realize that your comments have a real meaning for day-to-day Christian living. Academic jargon (“magisteria”, for example) create a distance from the grind of coping with a hostile world.
One aspect of dealing with the totality of truth is the qualitative difference between the foundation of theological investigation and that of the empirical sciences: the unchanging nature of the revelation of God’s plan and involvement (not that God does not change His methods; only that His nature, grace and goal remain always the same). Since by its very nature science is constantly changing, this builds a tension between the two.


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