
Ekklesia Project: "Slow Church"

I really appreciate the Ekklesia Project.  So much of what they’re about embodies my own sensibilities concerning faith, Church, scholarship, community, and polis.  Their theme of “slow church” is much needed today.  As one Ekklesia blogger notes,

there is no substitute for the slow, sometimes painful growth that comes through disciplined habits of practice shaped by the crucified and risen Christ.  One does not become an excellent piano player, painter, dancer, carpenter, or baseball player overnight; neither does one learn to become a Christian overnight.  We can’t know Jesus, the Incarnate Son of God, in five quick easy lessons accompanied by an inspirational DVD.  One needs teachers and mentors and a community of friends, and one needs to practice over a long period of time.


There are some things, and Truth is one of them, that can be understood rightly only if we understand them over time.  The very essence of Truth is that it can only be known slowly, in bits and pieces that are chewed on, meditated on, reflected over, talked about, practiced and then practiced some more with others living with the same Truth.

Gradually, as we come to know the Truth of Jesus Christ, we may be dazzled.
