Photography and Music


Progress on the funky song: listen here. Added a horn section, and started working on words. No, I can’t rap, but that section will change.

Photography and Music

Bring on the Funk!

I finally had a chance to play around with my samplers and guitars this evening, and this is the result. It doesn’t go anywhere, but stay tuned: over the next few months, you can observe me build a song around this fun-kay riffage.

(Tech specs: Drums — Prosessions R&B samples; Horns: Jason Miles Psychic Horns samples; guitars: strat running through POD XT, three tracks; bass — Fender running through Korg Ampworks (yes, I’m playing that, no samples there!)

Photography and Music

Today in Belgium

Today I visted Ghent. Pictures are here.

Photography and Music

Today in Belgium

After an all-night flight, I spent the day today in Leuven and Brussels, Belgium. The first leg of the comparative intellectual property law course will take place here. See my photo gallery here.

Photography and Music

Today in NJ

God’s “good morning.”

Photography and Music

This Week in NJ

The seventh tee at Wild Turkey. Yes, I cleared the quary and hit the green (well, the fringe).

The twelth tee at Wild Turkey. I hit the trap on the right, but then holed a 40-foot sand wedge for a bird!

The arrow points to Chris Lewis, rookie golfer extraordinaire.

Photography and Music

This Week in NJ

Spring — when a young man’s thoughts turn towards love, and a middle-aged man’s thoughts turn towards… grilling!

Please can I have one of those burgers, pleaaase?

Photography and Music

Pictures of the Day

The arrow points to my buddy’s golf ball on a par 3. Below the ball is a pond. A few feet up the slope is the green. Does anyone have a “rock wedge?”

The cart path along the first hole at Black Bear, winding into a new season. (No, I will not tell my score for this round. First time out and all…)

New York sightseeing. Hey buddy, move it!

Photography and Music

Yesterday in Philadelphia

In the car on the way to a law conference in Philadelphia.

A ghostly landmark in the Philadelphia fog.

Photography and Music

Last Week in NJ / NY

The train waits for a new load of passengers.

A storefront in the wholesale district. See my reflection?