
Another Reason Life is Like Golf

Yesterday I signed up for golf lessons. It’s amazing how you can think you’re doing everything right, yet have a fundamental flaw in your swing that the golf pro can spot a mile away. Apparently I’ve been swinging far too “inside” — across my body — rather than on a proper more vertical plane, and this is causing me to push shots right or hook them left. I have to retrain my body to bring the club back on the proper plane.

This is similar to spiritual life in many ways. How often do we feel that we’re doing well spiritually when in fact some of our fundamental attitudes and assumptions are wrong? Sometimes it takes an outside observer to help us see and correct such flaws.

We have family and friends, and of course the Holy Spirit, to perform this role. But I also think it can be helpful to intentionally seek out a spiritual “pro” or “coach.” There’s something about a coaching relationship that sometimes permits greater focus and candor than friends and family can provide. And, while the Holy Spirit guides individuals, God’s intention is that we live in community with other believers as the Spirit speaks to and through the Church, not that we each only follow our own “inner light.”

So, just as I’ve realized I need a golf coach if I’m going to improve my game, I realize I also need a spiritual coach if I’m going to mature spiritually. This is something I hope to seek out and find in the coming months.

One reply on “Another Reason Life is Like Golf”

Dave – I’ve found the same thing. Our men’s ministry at our church has been a good place to begin looking for this type of mentor. Hopefully, yours has something similar that you can begin to get involved with…

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