
Terry Schiavo's Autoposy

Terri Schiavo’s recently disclosed autopsy report reveals that her brain was severly atrophied. She would have been unable to see, and therefore almost certainly was unable to respond to visual stimuli. There was no possibility of recovery through any therapy. In short, the autopsy was consistent with the credible neurological evaluations presented in the trial court indicating that she was in a persistent vegitative state.

This should chasten those who insisted that their viewing of a few snippets of videotape trumped the extensive evidence presented to the trial court. It should cause those who pounded the drum for special federal legislation, and who raised the cry of “judicial activism,” to understand why they must tread more carefully on the right of a state trial court to make factual determinations in cases arising under state law. In my view, much of the evangelical right was naive about the Schiavo case and much of the Republican leadership exploited that naivetee. I hope the substantial medical evidence of this autoposy teaches us to think before speaking.

One reply on “Terry Schiavo's Autoposy”

david – i agree with you. i have read so much about this case that has been forcing a pro-life agenda on terry’s case. i am pro-life in general, but i’m not going to insist that death can’t happen. rob

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