
Influence, Blogs and Podcasts

Joe Carter posted some great thoughts this week about blogging and influence. I’d apply the same principles to podcasting, and indeed to just about any leadership activity. I fall prey regularly to the “big influence” fallacy — the idea that the only kind of influence that matters is that which gets recorded in history books. Most of us, myself included, likely will never wield that kind of influence. Yet, every day, we interact with people who need a word of encouragement, a song, a poem, an admonition, a bit of perspective, a prayer, a thought from scripture. These interactions don’t usually make the history books, but they matter. They are, in fact, what life is mostly about: everyday love, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control. The everyday transformation we experience through the Holy Spirit, cumulating to something marvelous, the very workmanship of God.