
The House of Mourning

Ecclesiastes 7:2 tells us

It is better to go to a house of mourning
than to go to a house of feasting,
for death is the destiny of every man;
the living should take this to heart.

Last week my friend Jeff at The Dawn Treader posted the horrible news that a friend of his — Clete, a sixteen-year-old young man, the son of his former pastor — was killed by a drunk driver. Today Jeff posts about Clete’s funeral. I encourage you to visit that house of mourning. You’ll see there the story of someone in whom the love of Christ overflowed, in simple things like bear hugs. You’ll see what really matters most in life.

I didn’t know Clete or his family at all, and I know Jeff only from our blogging interactions and a few emails and Skype calls. But I’m profoundly grateful today for Jeff’s generosity in sharing Clete’s story. My heart is broken for the tragedy that has visited Clete’s family and friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, but my faith and sense of purpose have been refreshed by the story of this yound man’s life. May my epitath be as profound.