Personal News

Update on EEG

Finally, we’re all home! Everything went well and it looks like the new meds should help alot. Continue to keep us and my son in your prayers.

2 replies on “Update on EEG”

Good news.

I take a low dose of an anti-seizure medication to manage my essential tremor. Extremely small potatoes compared to actual seizures, but it makes life a lot easier for me. Imagine what people went through up until a couple of generations ago, when these drugs were not available; or if they were, doctors didn’t have the technology available to fine-tune the dosages like they did with your son. I think C.S. Lewis made a statement once to the effect that one should put his book down and reflect for five minutes on the fact that all major world religions developed in the absense of painkillers.

Great to hear this David. I hope this opens the door for progress to be made in other areas.

You and your family will be in my prayers.

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