
The God-Shaped Void

My friend Merrill turned me on to the Internet Monk (Michael Spencer), and I’m so glad he did! Michael posted some interesting thoughts recently on evangelism and how we as Christians relate to unbelievers. He says

I am amazed at the hostility many of these same Christian friends have to the notion of having extended, equal and fair conversations with unbelievers. In affirming the necessity of a spiritual operation on the mind and heart of a person, and the importance of making Christ the central focus of saving faith, we are not told to do nothing but preach, and to preach only in the way, voice, content and forms that we are comfortable with. The call to be a witness or a missional communicator is an invitation to incarnation and Christlikeness in motive, method and message.

If we take seriously the unbelief of unbelievers, then we pray, share the Gospel and do so in a way that is completely incarnational. We do not make them into projects. We fully humanize the process of evangelism, and we take unbelief seriously.

Good stuff!

One reply on “The God-Shaped Void”

The internet monk is a missional kind of guy … quite compatible with EC … and he writes extremely well.

I predict you will love his writings. And yes, I am certain of that 😉

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