
New Years' Resolutions Prayers

Now that Christmas is over — I can’t believe it! — it’s time for New Years’ resolutions. I’m not so big on resolutions, which depend on my own resolve. Here instead are some hopes, goals and prayers:

My fundamental prayer for the new year is that I would become more like Jesus. Ok, stop rolling your eyes. I mean it. I want to be deep, rich, and masterful at loving God and loving others. I want to see those who are cursed be blessed; those who are imprisoned be set free; those who are afraid be calmed; those who are mourning be comforted. I want to see cycles of oppression broken, conflicts resolved into peace, lost sheep found.

In his beautiful little book Living the Sermon on the Mount, Glen Stassen asks, “What greater meaning in life can there be to participate, even in a little way, like a mustard seed, in the deliverance that God brings in Jesus?” (LTSM at 44). Stassen notes that “[l]iving the Sermon on the Mount is the way of grace. It is the way of Jesus. It is the way of the breakthrough of the reign of God.” (LTSM at 184) This is how I want to live in the coming year.

Here, then, are some specific things I’ve been thinking and praying about as ways in which I think the reign of God hopefully can continually break through in and through me:

  • This was a difficult year for me in ministry. After over five years of continuous service as a worship leader in a local church, a series of changes resulted in personal conflict and caused me to withdraw from the ministry. I choose to forgive and to dwell on this no longer. Lord give me grace to be gracious to those with whom I disagree within your Church, even and especially when I believe my cause is right and just.
  • I feel it is time to return to worship ministry of some sort. Lord lead me to the right place and grant me again the privilege of leading your people in worship.
  • Too long I’ve spoken and written about justice without acting. Lord give me this year a role in a specific ministry to the poor and oppressed. Whatever gifts and training I have that could be useful in this way, I ask to be made useful.
  • Too often I”ve been cynical and critical. This year, let my “conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that [I] may know how to answer everyone.” (Col. 3:6) Lord may the love, joy, peace, gentleness, faithfulnes, and self-control that come from your Spirit infuse all my personal interactions, speaking, writing and teaching.
  • This year I want my understanding of God and His word to deepen. Lord, provide me with sound opportunities for theological training. Give me the perseverence and faculties to learn how to read your written word in its original Greek language and to master the stories, themes and threads of truth that have wound through the history of your people through the ages.
  • As a teacher and scholar of the law, I recognize my great missional privilege and responsibility in the cultural settings in which I live and work. Lord, enliven my teaching and scholarship with your grace and truth, so that this work of mine might participate in the breaking-through of your Kingdom by the power of your Holy Spirit. Use my position and talents so that your Church, and the world, will be blessed, and so that people will be introduced to your mercy and grace.
  • I have been selfish with my material resources. Lord, help me to be a generous, hospitable giver, remembering always what you gave me on the cross.
  • I have been lazy in the care of my person. Lord, help me to eat, rest, and exercise as though this body were a precious and fragile gift to be maintained to serve and enjoy you.
  • My family, and particularly my little boy who cannot speak, need me. Lord, help me to learn American Sign Language along with my little boy. Help me along the way to recognize all of your good gifts and answers to prayer in little moments and unexpected places. Help me intentionally love my wife even as you intentionally love me.