Justice Law and Policy

Al Gore's Carbon Offsets — Or, How the Wealthy Combat Global Warming

There was an amusing story in the Wall Street Journal this week about Al Gore’s indoor heated pool and the way in which he purchases “offsets” for his personal carbon emissions. According to the story: “Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh–guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year.” Gore “offsets” this energy usage by purchasing blocks of “green” power from wind farms and such.

The story also notes that Oscar attendees received as part of their “swag” 100,000 pounds worth of carbon credits from an outfit called TerrPass. Here’s how TerraPass describes itself: “When you buy a TerraPass, your money funds renewable energy projects such as wind farms. These projects result in verified reductions in greenhouse gas pollution. And these reductions counterbalance your own emissions.”

As I’ve said before, I’m not a skeptic of the basic scientific conclusions about global warming. I am, however, skeptical of international emissions trading schemes, and the above is one reason why. The market dynamics of this “offset” process mirror some potential problems with a global market — specifically the differential between the wealthy and poor concerning elasticity of demand.

Gore and his fellow Oscar winners aren’t really “offsetting” their carbon energy use. What these “offsets” are really doing is maintaining the supply of carbon energy such that the elite’s demand can be satisfied. Here, the concept of the “elasticity” of demand is important. A demand curve usually is not constant. At different places in the curve, demand responds more or less sharply to changes in price. Demand is “elastic” if demand is relatively sensitive to incremental changes in price. Demand is “inelastic” if demand is relatively insensitive to incremental changes in price.

For most of us, I suspect that demand for energy is relatively elastic. A relatively small fluctuation will cause us to change behavior — lower thermostats, not driving as much, etc. For the very wealthy, however, demand for energy probably is much less elastic. They aren’t likely to notice a few thousand dollar increase in cost of electricity for the swimming pool.
At best, then, the “offets” Gore is buying will allow some alternative energy supplier to offer energy to the more elastic segments of the market (us regular Joes) at prices competitive with traditional carbon-based suppliers. But this is highly unlikely, since the “offsets” purchased aren’t anywhere near the amount needed to make up for the higher variable costs of supplying alternative energy (not to mention the sunk costs of research and development and building infrastructure). Thus, demand for traditional energy is not likely to decrease among the more elastic segments of the market, or if it does, the decrease will be marginal.

Meanwhile, the “offsets” allow the more inelastic segments of the traditional energy market to feel good about their conspicuous energy consumption, fueling additional demand. The net is likely to be an overall increase in traditional energy usuage!

Once the problem is conceived in terms of elasticities of demand, another solution suggests itself. Where there are differing elasticities of demand for the same good, a typical efficient response is differential or “Ramsey” pricing. Differential pricing means that the more elastic segments of the market are charged more than the more inelastic segments.

This is one reason why a graduated carbon tax seems to make sense. Instead of buying “offsets,” the price of energy should be graduated based on the amount used. After a basic level, the price would increase sharply, to the point where even elastic segments of the market would feel pain for conspicuous use (either through regulation, taxation, or both). I’ll be this would do more to fuel research into alternative energy sources than an “offset” market that only allows the wealthy to buy their peace.

One reply on “Al Gore's Carbon Offsets — Or, How the Wealthy Combat Global Warming”


I also loved the celebrities who wildly cheered Al Gore’s work concerning global warning while heating their multiple mansions and vacation homes.

A few comments about the above economic analysis –
-I don’t believe that demand for energy on any point of the curve would be considered elastic. Because energy is a necessity, most of us will not reduce our demand by a greater percentage than the corresponding increase in price. Maybe as middle class folk we might be more responsive than those on the top, but what substitutes would we purchase if energy prices soar? What happened within the last few years as oil prices increased rapidly? Did consumers ditch their automobiles for public transportation and convert their houses to solar energy? I can’t remember where, but I recall reading that energy consumption even increased in the last three years despite high prices indicating highly inelastic tendencies.

-One of the largest emerging markets (in terms of demand) of petroleum is China. Since energy prices are more globally oriented than national, what effect would a national graduated tax have on global petroleum markets? (I do realize that the US is still by far the largest enery hog, but maybe not for long). Also, the tight control of OPEC on the supply of oil might counterbalance any decrease in demand caused by increased excise taxes.

-Perhaps higher energy prices will decrease demand on a large scale level, but until suitable alternatives are developed, we are held hostage. Nobody has assured us that alternative sources will be any cheaper and the average Joe is more concerned about his wallet than melting polar ice caps. So who will subsidize the research and development costs involved? Energy companies??



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