
Thoughts on Blogging

Here are some great quips about blogs and blogging that I sumbled across today on, a witty site mainted by a Princeton art history grad student (as the banner says: “ – quality internet website”):

“The anatomy of a blog makes serious conversation all but impossible.” -Alan Jacobs
“Blogs are not as significant as their self-endeared curators would like to think.” -Joseph Rago
“Blogs are the crack cocaine of writing.” – Richard Starr
“Blogging is as melancholic and illusionary as Don Quixote tilting at windmills” -Michael Keren

I also love this guy’s Blogger profile:

Millinerd is a student in Princeton U’s art history PhD program. In a previous life he graduated from the same town’s Theol. Seminary. In the life before that he was a Youth Director at Media Presbyterian Church (PA). In the life before that he went to Wheaton College (IL). In the life before that he went to Haddonfield Memorial High School (NJ). In the life before that he was born and raised mostly in Jersey. In the life before that he did nothing, because Origen’s doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul was condemned in 553AD.