Ecclesiology Spirituality

Finding Faith, Losing Faith

On the Jesus Creed blog, Scot McKnight’s regular guest poster, RJS, comment’s on Scot’s new book, “Finding Faith, Losing Faith.” RJS is a chemist at the University of Michigan.  I think anyone who works with youth and young adults needs to read this very carefully.  We need to find ways to pass along an intellectually honest and robust faith to our young people.  Evangelicals of previous generations — of my generation — so far have mostly failed to do this.  The old model of hostility, confrontation, and defensiveness doesn’t work.  We cannot encourage or allow people to hide their heads in the sands of dogmatic statements concerning how historical and textual criticism and the findings of the contemporary natural sciences relate to the Bible as scripture.  Inevitably, many of them will look up, and be decapitated.