Law and Policy

Sarah Debates

So I’m watching the Palin-Biden debate right now.  She’s doing pretty well, I’d have to say.

One reply on “Sarah Debates”

Yes and no. She’s probably beating (record low) expectations, but she’s remarkably light on substance, and doesn’t do very well when she has to go off script. I don’t think she hit any notes that are going to resonate with swing voters, and she really didn’t differentiate herself enough from Biden on that count, so I count this as a pretty clear Biden win, even without a Couric-esque implosion.

And did she really implicitly endorse civil unions, as she seemed to?

Also, I wish someone would have pointed out to her during the debate that talking about “getting government out of the way” while also talking about “dramatically increasing oversight” are mutually exclusive propositions.

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