Law and Policy

Making History

This morning I participated in history.  I walked into the Midland Park, New Jersey Public Library, the polling site for my district.  Three elderly ladies staffed the table where I signed the voter log and received a paper ticket indicating my eligibility to vote.  I stepped up to the voting machine (there was no line) and handed another elderly attendant my ticket.  She threaded the ticket onto a long string full of tickets.  I walked through the curtain and paused for a moment to consider the privilege I was about to exercise.  In a moment I would press a button to submit my vote for (arguably) the most powerful political job in the world.  The campaign had been fierce and both sides offered wonderfully path-breaking choices — a black man for President or a woman for Vice President.  There were no guns.  There was no blood, no fear, no coercion.  Just me and some buttons.  I made my choices and left in peace.  History won’t remember my vote, but it will remember this day.