Ecclesiology Spirituality

Emerging Fractional Streams?

Interesting post by Mark Sayers about the growing distinctions between different versions of “emerging.”  I think I identify with aspects of all the different streams Sayers identifies, but mostly with the “Neo-Missiologists.”  The real desire behind all of these streams, though, I think, is for a fresh restatement of the real center of an evangelical faith in contexts that still had not gotten past the fundamentalist-modernist controersy.  Each of these streams Sayers identifies can be seen as somewhat different locations around this center.

One reply on “Emerging Fractional Streams?”

I also see myself as identifying with more than one camp, particularly the “Neo-Anabaptists” and “Neo-Missiologists.” I would most readily identify with a stream I think Sayers has left out, the “Ancient-Future” stream. This goes beyond the “Blenders” who want to live in the tension between classic evangelicalism and the emerging streams and instead want to live in the tension of all streams: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc.

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