Science and Religion Theology

Intelligent Design and Religion

My guest post on ID and Religion is up on Science and the Sacred.  I conclude there that ID is an inherently “religious” theory that ultimately undermines Christian theology about “creation”:

In my view, we must do this kind of “chastened” natural theology from a self-consciously and irreducibly theological standpoint that ultimately cannot be fully appreciated without the gracious prior work of the Spirit. This is an act of proclamation that simply cannot be undertaken in the pluralistic setting of a public school classroom. Indeed, why would we want to compromise our holistic and comprehensive understanding of God as “creator” in order to accommodate the Byzantine peculiarities of 21st century American constitutional jurisprudence?

Ours is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the I Am who spoke all creation into existence, the Triune Godhead who extended His perichoretic love to create and fellowship with that which is other than Himself, who in the person of the eternal Logos was present before the foundation of the world, in whom all things hold together and by whom all things will be made new. Should we diminish this God by suggesting that what He has done might just as well have been accomplished by some human-like alien “intelligence?” Isn’t this a strategy of denying Christ to appease Caesar?

Please visit S&S for the “rest of the story”!

Culture Law and Policy

Law on the Jesus Creed: Hate Crimes and Thought Crimes

My post on hate crimes and “thought crimes” is now up on Jesus Creed.


Amazing Archeological Discovery: Friendster Ruins

A truly fascinating story:

Internet Archaeologists Find Ruins Of ‘Friendster’ Civilization

Culture Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass: Scapbooking and History

This is a wonderful article in the Cresset on scrapbooking and the nature of history.

Featured Science and Religion Theology

Tim Keller's White Paper on Faith and Science

Tim Keller’s White Paper from the Biologos conference is now available.  Keller’s position is very close to my own.  I share his theological concerns, and though I might quibble here and there with a few things, this is an approach I can heartily endorse.  Most significantly, here is a leading evangelical pastor approaching this question with a pastor’s heart.  Great stuff!

Looking Glass

Through Looking Glass

In “Through the Looking Glass,” a regular feature of this site, I pass along good and interesting things I’ve found on the web.

Darrell Falk on being surprised by joy.

Interesting journal:  The Harvard Ichthus.


Lessons: Amos 5: 11-15

You trample on the poor

and force him to give you grain.

Therefore, though you have built stone mansions,

you will not live in them;

though you have planted lush vineyards,

you will not drink their wine.

For I know how many are your offenses

and how great your sins.

You oppress the righteous and take bribes

and you deprive the poor of justice in the courts.

Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times,

for the times are evil.

Seek good, not evil,

that you may live.

Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you,

just as you say he is.

Hate evil, love good;

maintain justice in the courts.

Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy

on the remnant of Joseph.


Changes at TG Darkly

I’m working on some changes to this site, as you might notice, faithful reader!  I’m hoping to develop more of a “magazine” format, with more consistent and persistent features, including interviews, cultural items, theology essays, and “Through the Looking Glass,” a roundup of things found in the blogosphere.  Check back during the next week or so as I fine-tune these elements and move towards (I hope) using this venue as a more disciplined writing outlet.


Christy Tennant on Porn Propaganda

This piece by Christy Tennant is excellent.

Featured Law and Policy

Law at the Jesus Creed

Here is my next guest post on law at Jesus Creed.