
An Augur of the New Year?

Yesterday morning I spent some time thinking an praying about the coming new year.  I felt refreshed and encouraged about some things I hope to be able to do and enjoy in 2010.  After celebrating in the evening with our neighbors, a gaggle of kids came by to sleep over our house. I went to sleep at about 12:30 a.m., feeling cozy.

At around 2:00 a.m., my eleven-year-old son woke me up, breathlessly explaining that his friend who was sleeping over felt sick.  I trundled down to the basement family room, and there it was:  chunky, pungent projectile vomit on the couch, the beanbag chairs, the Xbox remote, the kid’s clothing.  Apparently, staying up till all hours playing video games while gorging on nachos and soda after eating platefuls of cocktail weenies and dip does not sit well with the stomachs of some 11-year-old boys.  Did you know that if a kid has carrots for dinner, they still are recognizable as carrots when they come back out the same end six hours later?

But 2:45 a.m. or so I had everything cleaned up, nearly losing my own cookies several times in the process.  The poor kid’s dad picked him up and I headed back up to bed.

Ah yes.  It’s going to be a very good year!