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NT Wright on the Biblical Creation Texts, Genre, and Politics

This is an excellent video from N.T. Wright.  I think he’s right that faithful readings of the text must try to disentangle the text from our prior cultural and political assumptions and battles.

3 replies on “NT Wright on the Biblical Creation Texts, Genre, and Politics”

Thanks so much for posting this. I had previously watched it on the biologos site a few days ago, but it’s always good to get refreshed with solid material. I’m very heartened by how many solidly evangelical voices are rising up in defense of the scientific method as being compatible with an orthodox Christian faith. As a trinitarian evolutionist, I hope more theologians and pastors like Wright, Keller, Enns, etc. will weigh in. A vibrant Christian faith is one which must attend to the modern scientific enterprise honestly, and these men and many others as well, will guide us toward a bright future of Christian witness to a world that still needs salvation, but will ask the difficult questions which we must be ready to answer or at least engage. Keep up the good work!

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