Science and Religion

Os Guiness on Why the Church Must Deal with Science: "Have No Fear!"

This is a great video from Os Guiness about the missional and praxiological importance of finding peace between Christian faith and the natural sciences.

One reply on “Os Guiness on Why the Church Must Deal with Science: "Have No Fear!"”

Os Guinness spoke at Gordon Conwell last October (I’m a student there) and was brilliant as usual. I’m continually amazed at how British evangelicals, especially of the Anglican sort, seem to have such a better handle on these tumultuous issues. Thanks for posting this. I’ve been a fan of biologos since day one and regularly use them and the Faraday Institute in my own research to help me in my interactions with my Christian friends who lean YEC and with my non-Christian friends who need to know that there are Christians who know and affirm good modern science.

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