Photography and Music

Song: I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger

Here’s another tune from the Berea Archive:  “I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger.”  This is a well-known negro or Appalachian spiritual from the late 1700’s, made famous in modern times by Burl Ives.  The Berea recording is from the Sacred Harp shape note book, sung by the Berea shape note singers.

I just love these evocative lyrics and the sad minor melody.  I wonder how many people have sung this from places of deep trouble over the centuries?

After the Berea recording, I include a rough guide track that I recorded this afternoon.  It’s just me an an acoustic guitar, playing and singing into a microphone.  It’s awfully rough, but I kind of like it as a stand-alone track, even though my vocals need work.  Hopefully I can do a fuller arrangement soon.

One reply on “Song: I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger”

Counselor, you are a man of many talents! Really well done.

This one has also been one of my favorites of the American hymn tradition.


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