
Nancy Pearcey's Total Truth

I just got a copy of Nancy Pearcey’s Total Truth, another book that’s been burning up the faith-based blogsphere. This looks like a winner. I’ve only skimmed a few sections, but here’s a thought from the section titled “Enlightenment Idol”:

The hubris of the Enlightenment lay in thinking that Reason was . . . a transcendent power, providing infallible knowledge. Reason became nothing less than an idol, taking the place of God as the source of absolute Truth.

Mainstream Evangelicaldom may be learning from postmodern thought after all. . . .

2 replies on “Nancy Pearcey's Total Truth”

Of course the REAL meaning of this book is that only Nancy and her fellow right-thinking fundamentalist true believers POSSESS the “Truth”.

As though someone who is a sinner could in any sense possess or even know the Truth with a capital T.

Every one else, including Christians of a liberal and even different persuasion, and members of all other Faith Traditions, are fundamentally and irreducibly wrong or living in darkness – the agents of “satan”.

This is also signaled in her conceit that her brand of black-and-white Christian-ism is pure and unadulterated. That is not formed or influenced by modern ideas or any ideas etc that have emerged since the European Renaissance and the subsequent rise of modern Western culture which is now entirely patterned by the ideology or paradigm of scientism – with no exceptions.

Christian fascism anyone!

John — you might notice that this is an old post. Your review might be a bit harsh, but I would not review this particular book positively today. There are much better and humbler and intellectually richer approaches to faith and reason out there.

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