
The Secrets of Harry Potter Podcast

I recently bought an iPod, and I’m quickly becoming a podcasting addict. What a fantastic medium! I’ll be highlighting podcasts of interest here on the TGD blog from time to time. Also, I’m planning very soon to launch a TGD Podcast, which will include some of my own stuff as well as interviews with theologians, scholars, and other Christian leaders who don’t ordinarily get highlighted on the “MCM” (I think I’m coining this acronym — “Mainstream Christian Media”!). For example, I’ve made contacts with Wheaton Historian Mark Noll, Regent College Theologian Hans Boresma, and a NYC “Emerging” church planter, all of whom I hope to feature on upcoming podcasts.

Now, for the Harry Potter podcast: No, this isn’t an anti-Harry Potter diatribe. In fact, I love the Harry Potter books. I just wanted to give a pointer to “The Secrets of Harry Potter” pocast produced by Father Roderick of The Catholic Insider. It’s an entertaining look at details in the Harry Potter series that you probably will otherwise miss. The most recent episode, for example, examines the classical allusions in the names of charcters such as Bellatrix and Narcissa, and draws some parallels with Biblical themes of courage and faith in the face of evil. Great stuff! Here’s the RSS Feed for the podcast.