
Through a Glass Darkly Podcast

I’m happy to release the first edition of the Through a Glass Darkly podcast. Visit my podcast page to see the show notes and retrieve the MP3 file. And, subscribe to my podcast feed: (Note that this feed is distinct from the TGD Blog feed.)

The TGD podcast is a work in progress — the first episode is basically just me rambling about some thoughts I had during vacation. It’s kind of boring, I admit, but I’m getting a handle on how to set this up on the technology side. I plan to do some interesting interviews soon, and I also hope to set up a regular Skype conference for the podcast with other faith bloggers. If you have any ideas for interviews, or if you’d like to participate in a Skype conference for the podcast, please let me know. Meanwhile, load up your iPod, MP3 player, or computer, and enjoy!