Books and Film

The Narnia Movie

Christianity Today’s email movie newsletter includes optimistic comments regarding the upcoming Narnia movie. Says CT’s movie reviewer, Mark Moring,

the clincher for me was seeing an exclusive 10-minute montage, prepared specifically for these [sneak peek] events. I started frantically taking notes about everything I was seeing—the opening scenes with England at war, the children entering the wardrobe, meeting Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, Lucy having tea with Mr. Tumnus, and, among many other things, Aslan, speaking to the children. But a few minutes into the clip, I stopped taking notes and just sat there, mouth wide open, tears flowing. They got it right. I could feel it in my bones.

I have to admit, I’ve felt some ambivalence about the prospect of a Disney-financed Narnia. Will we see little stuffed Aslans in the happy meals at McDonald’s? A “Dawn Treader” ride at Disneyworld? But Moring’s comments are very encouraging. If he’s right, these films could bring to life some of the most beautiful allegories of Christ ever written. I can’t wait.

An aside — if you like movies, check out the Christianity Today site, which contains excellent reviews from a Christian perspective, without the silly swear-word-counters and such found on some Christian movie sites. And, if anyone knows how to get a job like Mark Moring’s reviewing movies for a publication like CT, please let me know.