Personal News

A Little Boy's Mysterious Brain

Today was a visit to a pediatric epileptolgist. After reviewing the EEGs and asking a bunch of questions, he said he’s certain that our son’s abnormal brain activity in the frontal lobe is directly affecting his speech and language. It was interesting because after observing our son for a brief while he noticed occasional eye flutters and stares that we’d never picked up on. Apparently the little guy is constantly experiencing “brain noise.” I wonder what he hears. Are we sometimes like the adults on the old Charlie Brown specials — “whah whah whah-whah-whah”? The good news is that this doctor gave us some new meds that have an excellent track record with this sort of thing. We’re gaurdedly optimistic that this will move towards some improvement.

And this past week I experienced something I believe is straight from God. I attended a really boring and useless conference at Columbia University on grant writing. I “just happened” to meet there a faculty member in Columbia’s childhood speech and language program. She gave an introduction to the Director and hopefully we’ll get our son in there for evaluation. The doctor we saw today said Columbia’s program is excellent.

One reply on “A Little Boy's Mysterious Brain”

This is good news.

He’s still young enough to develop language, once you get the static turned off. And maybe those meds won’t be a forever thing. It’s my understanding that a lot of kids with seizures outgrow them before adulthood.

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